I am sorry you are not feeling well. I don't think I have any advice for you. It seems like you have lots and lots of tests that would be able to pinpoint MS if that is what you had. I have never heard of myclonic jerks. I will have to google that one.
I know it is frustrating not to have answers but it is good news that you have normal MRIs, eegs and emgs. Has anyone suggested evoked potentials or a lumbar puncture? Those were helpful test for me. I never had an eeg or an emg. Those are more typical for epilepsy. It has been said that it is possible to get an MS diagnosis without a lesion on your MRI but I don't know anyone personally that has done that. It seems that doctors feel that MS means "multiple scars".
Good luck. Feel free to post here with any questions you may have or updates on your health.