Yes,mainly it is my legs. The tingling and burning. Sometimes it burns so bad,I feel like I need
to put them in ice water to cool. My neurologist diagnosed me with transverse myelitis. He said
it is very rare for reccurent transverse myelitis in the same area,that is in the back. All I know is
that my legs are not normal. My coordination is normal in rest of body. When it first happened,
I had a shooting pain from my neck to legs to feet. Every time I would bend my head down,I would
have awful pain. Also,my skin would burn when taking a shower. All that is ok now except my legs,
and sometimes my head. I will be glad to get my second opinon,but have to wait until July. What
other illnesses cause transverse myelitis? Thanks And they did say the area in my back was resolved.