Hi, I feel like it will hurt soo bad, do they poke the nerves or muscles, that's been on my mind. My left arm has been weaker this week, thank goodness I have an appt. with my Rhuemy next week. When the Neuro poked me with a needle I hardly felt it, as he went up my calf thats when I definitly felt the needle.
My hubby will be with me when I take the test, I know that should calm me down. Neuro did say some is going on with my Nervous System.
Within last 2 Years, I've had episodes of my left arm becoming very weak and could barley lift up, first time, this lasted a week. Last time was in January 2010, I felt it getting weak for a couple days then it stopped. This week, I'm feeling the same way like in January, also feels like I have a squeezing feeling again.
Also, this year my left leg is getting the same feeling too.
In November of last year, I fractured my right toe, since then, my pain levels are stronger than ever. Is it possible this injury could have made my illness comeout more? I'm getting more MS symptoms now then before. My ANA has been neg. last three test, since last year. I was dx with Lupus in 2003.
Sorry if I sound like I'm rambling, hope you all can understand what I'm trying to say here.
I kind of suspected MS too, but my MRI came out clear. I just recently found out my aunt has MS, my mom had Lupus too.
Can one have MS and Lupus?