I researched the CSF leak and I don't think I have that. No issues with runny nose or fluid in my ears. A metallic taste in the mouth has been linked to allergic reactions from red ant bites. Although we never found any bites on me, that is still what I believe happened. The only symptom that scares me is the loss of conciousness. That does not seem to be a common MS symptom...but I think it is common for allergic reactions.
In comparison to some of the symptoms I have read on this board, mine don't seem too bad. I do worry about the "progressive" nature of MS. I almost wish the doctors would have not told me. I am a firm believer in the power of the mind. Have you ever noticed how many injuries never hurt--until you recognize them? Now that I've been told I have MS, I worry about every pain, every skin sensation, every dizzy spell...where before I never gave them a second thought. I feel that once your brain believes you are sick, the body will almost certainly make sure you are.
Thanks for replying!