I have multilpe symptoms which are similar to MS, Fibro or similar.
about 3 years ago I had a brain MRI which showed not white spots. I thought my doctor would try to find out what was causing my problems but they stopped there. This summer I had that electronic stimuli to the nerves in my legs to see if I have a compressed nerve causing some of my problems. I didn't, instead I was extremely sensitive to the test. I have low Vit D, low potassium, low thyroid, and some other abnormalities in my blood work; but they all stay just on the edge of ok. I am a disabled veteran, and have been seeing VA doctors for this. I have a job with good insurance now and I am about to ask him about my issues.
Should I push for further testing for MS as well as others? I have 3 people in my family with MS, diagnosed and everything.
Dont know what to do, can you have a negative brain MRI and still have MS?
So confused...