Im gonna just throw my lil bit in lol, no dx yet either but i do know its not normal for you to be sick for a yr and nothing wrong. My son is 13 currently living in a boys n girls home for depression and a few other issues. But before he was there I wouldnt feel well and say mom needs a nap. Now ya know teen boys, usually dont help with anything but going to block buster and getting a game hehe. Alot of times when i woke up he would have straightend the living room, or took out the trash, one time he even swept (barely) and mopped my entire kitchen and dining room. Well it was sweet but took over an hr to dry, i dont thing he rang out the mop lol. But i knew id have to remop it later but i just said thank you hun i appreciate your help he just grinned ear to ear. He now for the most part keeps his room fairly clean and his bathroom not too bad. Which takes some of the pressure off when you dont feel well. A few yrs ago it was mom your always taking a nap, now its mom go take a nap lol or if I get dizzy or cant walk very well, he will help me to the couch and say "that spot in your head again huh mom" the follow up with you need to find a dr to fix that. ohhh now im just rambling on but kids the bounce back and as they get older they really do seem to, since we really dont feel well and it not that we just dont want to do something, thats when they start to understand and help.
Hope everyone has a great day.