Hi Rhonda,
If you're having an exacerbation or even a flair that's causing your symptoms, it's likely a red flag meaning no matter what you are normally required to do, you need to rest and sleep if possible. It may take a day or two to start feeling better but it should help you feel better quicker.
I don't personally know you but just from some of what you wrote I would almost bet you're the kind of person that pushes yourself even when you're dog tired. If that's true...KNOCK IT OFF! If you do have MS, it's making your symptoms worse. Even if you find that you don't have MS, it's obvious from the fatigue that your body is crying out for some down time.
If you have a decent support network that will allow you to rest, please take advantage of it. Your health depends on it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be pushy or anything. I'm just trying to make sure you realize that in this situation your health has to come before any previous obligations.
I hope you feel better soon.