Thanks for asking, things are okay, I have not started the meds yet, cause, it just seems like alot of side effects, cost etc and for now, the progression seems slow. I, like many of you, have learned to live with my condition, and have just made significat changes in my lifestyle to accomodate my problems. I know I should proboboly start the meds. But at this point, with working out and good rest, I can still function fairly well.
I have never experianced pain, and I imagine if that does occur,I might change my tune. I work out regularly, and have even managed to gain muscle (thought it has not really helped with gait/fatigue) and I am gonna just try my best to take care of myself and stay positive.
Those of you who have worse symptons I feel for, and I know it is inevitable that I get to that point, but I am gonna try like hell to have a somewhat normal yet impeded lifestyle till it gets me.
Thanks again for all of you heartfelt caring. And school is going along well. I have a long way to go though, heh.