Hey Zoe, Oh my indeed.
We also chalked up my husband's night sweats to anxiety and stress-silly how we make excuses for health issues.
My 15 yr old also has lyme and coinfections and one of her biggest symptoms is anxiety/panic attacks and other neuro/psychiatric symptoms.
I think it is great you have a neuro who will explore this with you. You might want to go to www.ilads.org This is the site of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. They have lots of general info on lyme. You must understand that there is a depth of misunderstanding about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of lyme in the general medical establishment that is utterly frightening.
If you will have testing done---please have it done at Igenex labs (MDL labs is also, ok). Lyme testing is not accurate, true, but these labs are the best---test for more strains and for more antibody proteins.
My husband was dx'd with MS in 2004. He has been in lyme treatment for 17 months and doing much better----great, in fact.
Take care!