Okay, you know how you lose that mucousy stuff? Well, I was having a terrible time with that over the weekend and along the way a tiny staple came out with it. There was also some waste in the mucous which doesn't normally happen. My colectomy was in October (3 months tomorrow) and they removed the whole colon, most of the rectum and created the j-pouch. I have a temporary ileostomy and I've been chicken about
scheduling the takedown. I had a pouchagram on 12/4 and supposedly everything was healing fine at that time. I'm wondering if the staple came out of the pouch and how much would that matter? Is that normal?
Also, started having pain around the incision area. This is new. I haven't had pain in probably 4-5 weeks and that was just soreness. This is different and it's hard to tell if it's external or internal because I'm still numb in that area. It hurts in the pelvic area to bend forward, sit, stand. Sometimes worse than others. Does anyone know anything about this? -Laura