I have a couple of poblems that I would like help with if any one out there has had the same problem.I have called my stoma nurse and she said that what I am going through is normal.I have also called me Surgeon that did my colostomy and talked him,and I don't feel as though I got anywhere with him either.My problem is simular to why I had the colostomy down in the first place.Before me colostomy,I have no control over my bowels,especially if I were to be out in pubic.I would be walking around and the next thing I knew,was I had a loose bowel movement and did not ever feel it or know it was coming until it was to late.I was left standing in the store,smelling like a baby with a messy diaper. I am going through the same thing again,except this time,it is mucus that I am passing.I don't feel it,until it is to late,and the oder smells like a baby with another messy diaper. But when I am home sitting around,I feel like my butt is full and I have to have a bowel movement. When I go to the bathroom,all I pass is the mucus. The past week,I have been passing mucus about four to five times a day. As for going out in public and having messy underwear,it happens when I do a lot of walking,and this has been going on for about a year now. I really never know when or where it is going to happen. I thought that my colostomy would and should of taken care of all that. When I talked to my surgeon,I asked him if this was normal,he said to a point. I asked him why he did not close off my rectum when he did the surgery.His response was,he did not want to put me in anymore pain then he had to. Then he turned around and said he could of closed it off,or removed it,he said yes,but was it necessary NO. So now I am going to another General Surgeon Specialist,who I hope can either do it himself or send me do a doctor that can help.Has anyone out there ever had their rectum closed or removed after they have had a colostomy done. I am desperet for some answers. I told him that I have had several surgeries and I can take a lot of pain to a point. I is my body and I feel as though I should of had the say,but was never asked. Anyway,I would like to hear from anyone who has gone through a simular experience.
Thank You
walking scared