Husband is concerned about
our house-cats and my up-coming surgery and recovery.
WILL house-cats be a problem?
They behave and are respectful. They know their names, come when individually called and obey other commands; stop, no, down, catnip, out, off, here, up, move. I will have no problems keeping them off my abdomen as I already do so when I am uncomfortable. Litterbox is not contained in the bedroom and is vented to the outside to control dust/odor and is cleaned daily. I can keep the bedroom door shut to keep the kitties away from me immediately after I return home from the surgery.
The cats cannot be put outside, our house is on a rural 55mi/hr road and they would become road-bumps. I'd much rather have my fat cats be indoors than have them become flat cats outdoors. Hubby mentioned tonight putting them in the garage. The garage has NO windows for sunshine, fresh air or visual stimulation, not to mention it is filthy with his project detritus and has harmful chemicals stored there. He is more concerned about me than the cats, I understand that, but I do not think they will be harmful for me or my recovery.
He feels they will be detrimental to my health/recovery, I feel they are necessary for my sanity and blood pressure.
If he pushes the issue, I can tell him I will remain in the Master Bedroom with the door closed. I will not displace the cats when I feel there is no need.
May I have opinions on the subject of pets, surgery and recovery?