Hi all
I have to first say thanks... I'm feeling pretty fortunate, because lots of you seem to be worse off than I am. I hope you all find some solutions.
I am 39 and a former laxative abuser/non-eater. As a result, I now suffer (like most of you) with chronic constipation and left side pain. I have been told I have gallstones, scattered diverticulosis, colonic inertia, no motility/peristalsis in the descending, several liver cysts, redundant colon, blah blah blah. I've done the barium x-ray, the sitz marker, had flex sigmoidoscopy... too many to even remember at this point. Every time I go back, they find yet another something wrong, but no solutions. I can no longer have a bm unassisted, and like so many of you, I have tried all the drugs, naturopathic remedies, whacks and whacks of fibre and water, lactulose, senna, EVERYTHING. I'm currently using a supplement called Bowtrol that seems to be working fairly well; it is a purgative, which I don't really like taking, but it seems to keep things moving fairly well. My surgeon here (remote canada) says sub-total colectomy as a last resort, but it seems to be something that is fairly routine in the states. If anyone is comfortable letting me know where you are and who your docs are, I'd appreciate it. Maybe I'll come down there for some help. It really is so frustrating because you just feel so helpless and sick and uncomfortable all the time. I just got back from a week of vacation with my kids, and I forgot my supplements and had a horribly painful time. I look forward to hearing back from any of you willing to share your info so I can do some research.