To start with I want to say that I am sorry for not putting a tltle to my thread.I will try to remember to do it everytime I write.
I was at work on day,when I got a funny feeling and went into the bathroom,and as I pulled down my underwear,I found a small hard stool in my underwear.I came back and told my female boss what was going on,and she told me that maybe I had better go to my doctor or hospital right away.I was able to get into see my doctor,and he send me to a gastro doctor.He set me up for a series of test,and they all came back negative.So then he sent me to another surgical specialist,and he put me through a few test and could not fine anything either.So then he did surgery on my stomach,by cutting me right down the center of my stomach,looking for a fistula and could not find one.So he just dismissed me,and said that there was nothing else that he could do,seems how nothing was found.As time went on,things started getting worse.I was not able to control my bowel movements,and was passing gas out of my vagina.I went back to my gastro again and told him what was going on.He kept putting me on all kinds of medicine.All of this happened when I lived down in Maryland.As soon as I moved to West Virginia,it started all over again and kept gettting worse.So I went to my doctor and he referred me to a gastro in the same building as he was in.Well I had to go through more testing.I told this gastro that I was tired of going through all of these different kind of tests and having them come back negative.So once agian,I got shifted over to a specialist over is Baltimore,who I have to sit down and talk with and answer some of his question.From there he sent me over to another part of Baltimore to see the surgeon that did my permanent Colostomy.Everything went well,for the first year.After that it has been all down hill since then.I started out having the usual mucus drainage which I was never told about.Then it still begun to get worse.I would be walking out in public,when all of a sudden,I would feel my underwear wet and my butt also felt funny.I would stop into a rest room,and I would find that now I was draining mucus really bad,when I would go out walking.That got to be embarassing,as it had a terrible oder to it,and it was enough to show right through my underwear and my pants or shorts,to where it could be seen.I found myself putting paper towels to cover the mess in my underwear,and then drying my underwear under on of the hand dryers.I put up with that,but still complaining to me surgeon and my stoma nurse.They all said that it was normal.As time went on,I started noticing that no long after I ate,I would feel my rectum feeling full.I am still having the problem.Anyway,I go to the bathroom and as soon as I sit down,I drian out about 1/8 to 1/4 cup of the brownish stool looking stuff in the toilet.Then I would continue to wipe and still a mess more would come from my rectum and then I would wipe my vagina and would have the yellowish mucus from it.So I was wearing depends for a while,but I sweat so much down there that I was breaking out in a rash.So I changed to pads,well I had to wear two of them.One for the front and one for the back.That did not work either.So now when I go out,I just line my underwear with paper towels and hope for the best,and always take extras with me.What a life.I have an appointment with a colon/Rectal specialist on the 4th of September and on the 5th I will be seeing my Urologist.I hope that they can get together and come up with a permanent solution to my problems.
When I went to see my GYN last month,he said that he sent a lady to a specialist with the same problems as I am having and she came back to him later and told him what she had done.He told me she said that they removed her rectum.I don't care what they do to me as long as it is a permanent fix.I am tired of these temperory fixes.I also have what is know as an Interstem Implant in my right butt,that controls my bladder.I have had that for three years now,and have two new ones put in and they are not working.I have had four bladder surgeries and I have been told that my bladder is rotten and needs to be removed,because no matter what any doctor dose to hold it up in place or evening this Implant,nothing seems to be working.It needs to come out and have a Urostomy done.I can not get a good nights sleep for getting up every two to three hours to go to bathroom,no matter what position I am laying in.Still out of all the testing that I have been through,there still has not been a fistuls found.I know that there is something wrong but the doctors can not seem to find it.If these doctors can not find the cause,I am really going to go off on someone.I have been patient long enought.I take it much longer.
Well you did not know my story before,but I hope that you understand know some of what I am or have going through.
Once again,that you for reading this and listening to me.
All of you have been so kind and understanding.
Thank You