ok! so my day was already going horribly considering that it was a payday and its the second pay period that i havent gotten paid!! bills are still due! and i left my other job at the beginning of a pay period so this is going on my sixth week without income.
THEN, as u all know i tried the new hollister new image pouch the day b4 yesterday. Yesterday it did fine, this morning i woke up with a leak! so i change it this morning and go to work. Then by 9 '0 clock im talking to my kids and my stomach feels warm! leak again!! then i run in the bathroom, change into my moldables (thats what i have in my emergency kit since u dont have to cut and they'v never really given me a problem) by 1 oclock....LEAK AGAIN! note that i have on an off white sweater and i have to keep leaving my kids to go to the bathroom.
And when i say leak, i mean NOTHING even went in the bag! when i changed both times i pushed it flat against my stomach to make sure that my stoma was protruding enough. and it was...i cant figure what im doing wrong! I hate this! now im afraid to move or go n e where for fear of the same thing happening.
Iv had my bag since January and never n e thing like this happen b4 i've leaked maybe twice. What am i dong wrong???? n e suggestions or similar situatioins?