I would love to wait until the summer when my year at university ends, but im in a pretty constant flare at the moment so i think my GI is worried about me completely obstructing.I am in the process of talking to my tutor about leaving a week early if i hand in all my assignments then and then maybe having a week longer afterwards which would give me 5 weeks. You may be right about a hosp stay before surgery because of my blood levels.I had to stay in for four days over summer and have four lots of blood as my haemoglobin went down to 7, and they put me on iv steroids.
Can you explain to me how the procedure is done laproscopically(sp)?is this a better way to have the surgery?if it depends on pred use then ive pretty much been on and off pred for the past year and a half, and have been stuck on 40mg for the past month or so.
Another question after surgery do you see a specialist about your stoma every month or so?or do you just continue to see your GI about your progress?
Thanks for all your replys, it gives you more confidence when you get advice from the experienced