I have been home from my colectomy, which was 11/25, with rectal anastemosis. Had to stay a few extra days for NG tube, since I was not moving anything anywhere. Came home Wednesday last week. Very tired, have had a couple of explosive accidents, but for the most part manage the bazillion bathroom trips. Have persistent pain on lower left area, feels like adhesion (based on my c/sec recovery). No temperature, no redness.
Having difficulty figuring out what to eat. Succumbed to the notion I could eat a very small amount of minced up turkey with stuffing...what amess! Back to creamy soups, grits, etc.
Any suggestions? I don't see doc for a week from tomorrow, and just feel wiped out.
Annie, who is probably just whining & scare but wishes I had someone to talk to. Husband is caregiver and he is great, just feeling isolated, I think.