Now its been a year and I've gotten used to the single piece bag, and I hear some of you talking about
a "flange" and changing it daily.. I have to ask. this is the two piece one.. yes?
well they don't have to be changed daily...the pouches can be if you want to but that gets costly!
Are there any advantages/disadvantages of the one piece vs the two piece?
It is more preference. I prefer the two piece since I can see where I am putting it in relation to my stoma...I get a more even fit
Are they attached to the skin in the same manner?
Do they require cutting holes for the stoma or are they pre-cut?
There are both.
My ostomy nurse actually advised against the pre-cut ones, as they don't really fit well to the stoma...
It depends what your stoma is like. Mine is very round (thank you Doc!) so I can use the pre cut. I also use an Eakin Seal and that helps protect right up to the stoma. Since you've had your stoma a year the likelihood of it changing size is slim. Yes mine does look smaller some days, but that is usually because it is sleeping and once it wakes up it plumps again so I don't measure every time...
Any advise? Comments??
Go on line and get some samples from the major companies (go to and use their list). They will send you out several samples and you can determine for yourself if it is what you want! After using the same brand/style for MANY years, I took some one's suggestion to do that and tried many before deciding on the one I use now. I wish I had done it sooner:)