So. I think it was dehydration. That sucked!
I do normally consume over 100oz of nummy Crystal Light a day (super diluted) and two days in a row I barely drank 40oz. I'm a dork.
I think that maybe having the low liquid intake caused some semi-blockages b/c it made it difficult for my food to pass. Is that something has happened to some of you?
In addition to the tummy issues I've just had strange feelings where my colon used to be. Dare I say they are phantom feelings? That's not cool if they are.
Anyway, I think that being so new to this ileo experience I still have emotional trauma from the UC days. I'm sure most of you can relate to the feelings attached to all that pain from being sick. Hopefully someday soon I won't be so sensative to it!
I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! Here is Mid-MO it's crazy humid and hot. Nasty really. Great weather for swimming though!!!