Jen and Tinkerbell,
My dr told me there was a slight risk of having a temp colostomy but he had only had one with all of his previous surgeries. He isn't a colorectal surgeon just a general surgeon but has been awarded the National Surgeon of the year so I have an extreme amount of faith in him, plus I told my husband if I woke up with a bag he (the dr) better be running because I was going to chase him down LOL.
Anyway, I've come up with a list of questions for you and I'm sure others will add to the list:
1) will the surgery be open or laparoscopy
2) will you have an NG tube
3) will you have an epidural following surgery for pain control (it was the BEST thing I ever had and it helps to wake up the bowels quicked)
4) how long will the surgery take
5) how long will you be in the hospital
6) how much of your colon will the dr leave
7) is there a possibility of a temperary colostomy
8) what diet restrictions will you have following the surgery
Don't let these questions scare you, when I went in I didn't have any questions for my surgeon because I didn't really know what was going on so I just went in with a blank slate and didn't know that there could be any problems, maybe that was a good thing because I was never nervous about the surgery.
I hope this gives you a good start.
Peace and prayers,