Hi Lizzie! I had my reversal on March 9th. I went in hospital on a Monday, had surgery same day, and came home on Thursday. It was MUCH less painful than my original surgery and the recovery time was really alot faster. I didn't even lose a pound...(which was a really bad thing because I had lost 30 pounds when I had my original surgery in September, so I was eating anything and everything prior to my second surgery thinking I would lose it all as well.)..HA....NOT SO...lol. Once home I started introducing food slowly. I started on really low fibre, easy to digest things like yogurt, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. I had a problem with constipation (never had the diarrhea like everyone else !!) but a good dose of Milk of Magnesia started things moving. Then I was using prune juice. Now I take ground flax seed twice a day on cereal or in OJ and I'm very regular. WOW you must be really excited to have your reversal. I know I was. I was truly grateful for the ileostomy when I had it, but really happy to be back to my original plumbing...lol When will you find out if/when you have it done??? ......Best of luck