thanks so much everyone for your advice and prayers :o)
i don't have an ipod, Judy, nor do i have a laptop, but i hope i find what to do..mmmm.. maybe i should get an ipod.
Jenise, i hope you manage to have some fun and forget about eveything. when you get back, make sure you call the dr yourself. i know what it's like, and it's sad but unless you're dying, you have to chase them yourself to get answers.
Judy, i'm so glad the vicodin is giving you some relief, i hope it's over soon and you don't need any pain meds
Janie, puppies are just SO adorable, you gotta love'm!! enjoy!! give her a kiss from me, i don't mind the licking lol
Marisa, you sound like such a sports girl.. i LOVE the outdours, but have forgotten for SO long how it's like. i truly hope this surgery really sets me free!!!!!! i SOOOOOOOOO need it !!!!!!!!
well i sure am getting nervous, i hope i don't FREAK OUT in the last minute and just split. but having you guys is the best thing that could have happen to me and there's NO WAY i could have managed w/o this board.. i do mean no way! everything i've learned here is priceless and NO dr could have ever tell me all this information, only the ppl who are going though this can. and the understanding, encouragement and support can only come from the ones who really know what i'm going through. i couldn't have made it w/o you all and i can't thank you enough!