Hi I dont mean to but in or say something not relevant or that you already know, but have you all heard of the use of enteric coated serrapeptase for UC
I Have Lyme disease and lyme can cause anything so I was just browsing the other forums and I just feel sooooooo much for your child. I just began this therapy serrapeptase in conjunction with my antibiotic treatment for Lyme . It helps the bacteria us lymies harbor become more susceptible to the antibiotics in short.
As well as treats inflammation, pain, and removes dead tissues without harming the living tissues. It also has no side effects and regulates hormones and helps immune function.
I noticed it is being used to treat ulcerative colitis. I just wanted to mention it to you. I believe it can be used with any medication.
I will try to link u to some info , again forgive me if this is not relevant to you.
below info for how it helps UC
How can Serrapeptase Help?
Serrapeptase helps immensely, as it clears out all of the inflammation and dead tissue. By alleviating the inflammation, and clearing away this problem tissue, it relieves the symptoms and allows the healing system to rapidly repair the problem.