I really hope that someone can give me some advice. I had a sub-total colectomy (small intestine connected to rectum) in April '09. I had this surgery to stop the chronic pain I felt from very slow motility or "colonic inertia." I don't have the pain now and for that I am very grateful. But, I am always so tired! I had to quit my job and I only have enough energy each day to do about 1 load of laundry and maybe take my dog on a short walk. My doctors ran some blood tests and said everything is fine! I am eating a pretty good diet but I am just exhausted all of the time. Also, I do have BM's about 10 times/day. I wish they were less but the doctors say this is not uncommon. Any suggestions? I just can't have a life when I am sooo tired and weak all of the time (or at least most of the time).