Hi Kristen, while in the hospital last month - after my surgery - I had a fecal impaction! My rectum was filled with golf ball size stool so I was ordered to take MiraLax 3 times a day to keep thing loose and soft. I have since reduced it to 1-1/2 -2 times a day. For the first few weeks, I went poo often.. maybe up to 12 times a day. Yesterday - I only went once, and had to use a fleet! I still have most of my colon - along with the transverse being "extremely" redundant and flopping (their wording). I honestly think I will still struggle with constipation because I still have so much left. They considered removing all the colon, or part of the transverse at one time.. but my surgeon felt I would be helped by doing a low anterior resection. He removed my entire sigmoid and upper part of the rectum. That said... he was focused on a "mechanical obstruction" I had that was due to a rectopexy surgery a few months back. He never really asked me if I suffered from constipation, and honestly - it was my secret that I never revealed to anyone or any doctor. I had been using laxatives and enema's for years - and was embarrassed to tell. I do hope though, even if I have to use MiraLax forever, that things will continue to flow!
Gilda, my colon was very redundant and floppy - that my GI indicated it was caused by years of chronic constipation.... they say a redundant colon doesn't cause issues.. but when it it twistd and it takes so long to move your bowels - I say it is!! Maybe they say it isn't because they don't live in our bodies..? my surgeon focused on the twisted, redundant sigmoid part of it. My colon was extremely redundant and floppy - that they spent twice as long with me in the x-ray room but still couldn't get the barium to fill my ascending colon properly. I did have a Sitz Marker study - and on day 5 I failed the test. Day 4 they were scattered throughout the colon, with many at the rectosigmoid junction and on day 5 - 13 were stuck in the rectosigmoid area, and the others in the transverse colon. Conflicting opinions.. GI said CI, surgeon said blockage at the rectosigmoid area, causing it to slow the whole colon. I did try and speak up about
my lifetime of constipation (with was in my medical notes from the referring uro-gyn) but he was just focused on my current issue - so I hope and pray I'll be okay in the future! I posted a few pictures of it before - but here you go!
rectum & sigmoid (pic 1 & 2)
lh4.ggpht.com/_PIdpHcAsSz4/St-Lxh2O8xI/AAAAAAAAASA/X3eHZ_8fASM/s640/2.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PIdpHcAsSz4/St-LyA2wvQI/AAAAAAAAASE/xRI2mBxdIms/s720/1.jpglh5.ggpht.com/_PIdpHcAsSz4/S1hSXMdIaHI/AAAAAAAAAYY/I-5mozeBfFw/s576/12.jpgLast Photo: Colon after barium was emptied (looks like a lot is left!!) It doesn't look to me like my transverse colon is where it is suppose to be!
lh4.ggpht.com/_PIdpHcAsSz4/St-LyiRmpUI/AAAAAAAAASI/dvva-wiBDqg/s576/3.jpgAnyway.. continuing (I'm long winded this morning!!) LOL I went back and re-read ALL the posts on the Total Colectomy and the MAJORITY of posters are no longer posting.. and that's a good sign that their surgeries were successful, and they are now living life and not giving any thought to having to poo. For others things aren't perfect or there are complications. For many - that don't have success, I think it has a lot to do with pelvic floor or rectum issues. The whole pelvic floor issue is very complex, and even my doctors told me I may need some bio-feedback. That's why I always ask if people have to strain/push.. I really don't know what it is like to have a 'normal' BM. I haven't had one in over 21 years! (giving birth to son, bad, bad injury). I do still strain/push.. and I guess that is not normal..? But it is 10 times better than it was.. so I'm happy!
Tracy, ouch - I didn't know you had your sling removed! I had to have mine released, because after surgery - I could not pee ONE drop! Nada.. nothing came out!! I had to wear a catheter for 3 weeks - and did get a bladder/kidney infection. They had to cut about
a 3 inch incision and dug around to find it. That, along with this latest rectocele repair.. I'm afraid my hubby will never be able to have relations with me! We were only able to do it a couple times after my last surgery - and that hurt! I had just started pelvic floor therapy in October, but canceled because of this pending surgery. *sigh* I hope this all ends soon. Your test day is going to be exhausting, but better to get it over with all at once! Gosh.. we all KNOW how embarrassing these tests are.. try not to dwell on it!
Butterfly... scary isn't it? I too am so concerned about
the problems ladies have with constipation after a total colectomy! It doesn't seem possible... however, with pelvic floor or rectal issues - it is very possible. Still, I think even if some here end up with an ostomy, at least they tried not to by having a Total Colectomy with ileorectal anastamosis first. At least that is what I feel... I would have wanted.
Rosemary, your so right... seeing the world must be such an eye
opener! It amazing how much our medical care has advanced, yet in this day and age to realize what they did to you is unthinkable. They gave you a lifetime sentence for sure and I can only imagine how many times the 'would have, could have, should have's" would pop into my mind. Well.. honestly, since I started all this surgery to "correct" things, it does pop into my mind. I know had I only had baby #3 as a planned C-section.. I would not be where I am. Can't go back.. but can share our stories in hopes to help others.
Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie... first and last on my mind.... praying for you, hoping things are going well at CC. I can't wait till you're back and things are going so much better then these last few months. Hope you can post us an update soon.