Lovemyyorkie, thanks so much. Well I know from the x-ray that probably18 in the aseding colon all gathered down there in the pelvic region, meaing low and not high up. The other 2 one is in the transverse, and one in the decending. From what my doc said before the test that if I had any left in my colon he said that my colon is not moving things along properly..called peristalitisis, if I spelled it right, and that the whole colon would have to be removed, but have to wait for hm to get the results...
answers4meTDR yes they are calling it a pelvic floor disorder, my internal sphincter in the rectum is not working right and the outer one is clamped down so tight nothing will come out.
So now since I have been out of the hospital still no bm's and its 12 days now , it was 19 when I ended up in the hospital at the end of last month.
I guess we are writing too long of posts, so I will end this with saying thank you to all of you for your constant help and support and prayers. They are truly appreciated...Leslie OH PS. I drank a bottle of citirus of mag, today and its been 6 hrs and nothing has happened yet...