Deflepchic said...
Hello all of you. I am so lucky I found this site. Not getting the info I need from my surgeon. It sounds like most of you knew exactly how you were reattached and where. I have had severe Diverticulitis since March. In and out of the ER, put on antibiodics, which never helped. Had a colonoscopy, 10 CT scans and no one knew how bad my sigmoid colon was. Untill the day the surgeon went in to see how bad things were. He took out 18 inches of colon out Oct, 22. He tried 3 times to reattach, but air leaks kept on happening. Needless to say I woke up with a Ileostomy. I was to have a take down 6-10 weeks later, only to have my Stoma retract into my abdomin 3 weeks later. In one weekend I went through 17 colostomy bags because they would not stick or fit with out leaking within an hour. My skin was raw and torn. Only to have stool leaking from my incision 2 days later. Back into the hospital. Apparently I had a fistula leaking with a Staf infection. They put me on heavy duty antibiodics with a pic line. Tried a wound vac on my incision. I oppted to go home with IV drugs to do at home for another month.
. I haven't work since this all started, I got fired from my job due to the surgery. There is no way I could work. I tire easily and can't do many physical things. I am still on a nothing diet. I lost 20 pounds and continue a couple pounds a week. I can afford to loose the wieght, but I have no strength. I need to get back to my life before I loose my home!
Hi Deflepchic
Welcome to this forum. I am sure you would find the people out here very encouraging and helpful. I am extremely sorry to hear about your pain. Infact, you have revived my memories of agony and pain which I have gone through with all the complications.
You will be surprised to know that I have gone through each and every complication which you have mentioned. Infact, much more than that. I have a big incisional hernia, horse shoe fistula always leaking and communicating with my j pouch and what not. Anyway, life has to be lived to its fullest and one should never loose patience.
Only diet I can have is home made cheese with home baked bread (chappati). No fruits, no salads. I can have yogurt.
Lost all the clients, office and other good things in life. Still have my will power because of the encouragement from members on this forum.