I have had UC for over 11 years. Right now I am totally disgusted. All the drugs are failing me and I am prednisone dependent. Not happy about
that as it has given me osteoporosis, high blood pressure and increased my blood glucose level.
My GI doctor is considering an increase in the Remicade dose, as he has me on half the max dose at the time. He mentioned that if it fails, there is Humira. Frankly, I have had it.
The main problem is my rectum. I may have one good day and then the next..urgency, multiple bowel movements and bleeding. Tired of having my life on hold for the last two years.
My main concern is age. I am presently 63 1/2 yrs old. My blood pressure is controlled through medication, benicar 20 mgm. Other than the UP I am in good health. I do have situs inversus (all my organs are reversed) but that shouldn't have any major impact.