Hi there,
When I had my temp ileostomy I passed nothing for about six months after surgery, before starting to experience the urge to "go." Thereafter, I would pass mucous at least once a week, and sometimes every day. The rate of discharge seemed to bear no relationship to the output from the stoma, i.e. at times I was passing a lot of mucous, I would have solid output. Often I would pass mucous after drinking a cup of coffee, etc. Occasionally I would pass a little blood with the mucous. It didn't have any effect on the surgeon's decision to perform a reversal, as I feared it might.
Ulcerative Colitis diagnosed 1996
Medication tried- Salazopyrin, Prednisilone, Immuran, Prednisilone, Pentasa, Prednisilone, 6MP, (Does anyone want to have the steroid conversation?), Infliximab, Humira.
2008- Subtotal Colectomy with end ileostomy formation
April 2010- Proctocolectomy with ileorectal anastomosis.
One or two Immodium a week now and 3/4 very manageable b/ms a day.