Hi Sonny and welcome to the site!
I haven't been on here much since school started in Sept. bc I'm usually there until 6 or 7 at night and that's after I have been there since 7 am. This is an awesome place to get great info and is a wonderful place for support!!!! I had a sub-total July 08 and normally try to stay active on this site to encourage others who continue to struggle and to offer kind words to those who are just beginning their colectomy journey.
Now to hopefully help you a little with your questions: I too struggled for years and would go for weeks with only pellet-like bms after taking large doses of miralax, lactulose & amitiza. After 6 different GI drs (most just wanted to give me more meds and not find what was truly wrong) for mutliple disorders, one finally said this whole constipation thing isn't right and sent me for the sitz marker test and some others. My current GI does a very detailed sitz marker where I took 50 markers and came to the office every day except Sunday to get x-rays with a special machine. (He does a lot of research) After 3 full weeks I still had most of the markers in my ascending colon, and a few in my small bowel. This was while I continued to take my medications bc he allowed me to due to my history of colon preps not passing through for 10 days.
I ended up with an open sub-total with 2 inches of my colon attached to my rectum. I was in the hosp. for 5 days, had 20+ bms a day to start and by 6 wks went back to work full-time with 8-10 bms a day. Yes, I am a HUGE success story BUT this is NOT an easy surgery and does NOT just take a couple of months to heal. I've had numerous abdominal surgeries and though the surgery itself wasn't bad for me, it IS MAJOR surgery and it did take my body almost a whole year to get well. I do have to remain on the low residue diet and will probably be on it forever; I still have a very slow stomach but am hoping this will not cause problems in the future. Yes, this is the best decision I ever made but I mentally I was very prepared to concure the challenges after the surgery so that I could get back to work in 6 wks. So my best advice is to not go into this blindly but don't get too freaked out by the info on this forum bc as you stated many here have ongoing problems.
There are many success cases and we are very happy with our decision as are the others who continue to have issues. I wish you the very best and will try to get back on here to answer any questions you may have. I may get back to you quicker if you email me, you can click on the icon under my screen name.
Peace and prayers to you,