Lesley, I am one of those people your talking about
that cant eat fruit or veggies, salad. I stick to chick and turkey most of the time. You will be eating a tiny bit before you leave the hospital. Yes your bm's get less often as you get further out from surgery. For me I have had problems ever since my total colectomy that most people dont have, many do really great. I just have no luck and spent every month in the hospital last year, for just sometimes days or one time for 8 days. I get illisus a lot, but for the last 2 months have not had a NG Tube in the hospital, for that I was happy cuz every other time I had them.
I have had my surgery sit connection had narrowed at both sides and had to have a dilation surgery. So mondy I get scoped to see if things are good and to see if I have a problem further up...so get to drink the crud on Sunday..yuck.
I wish you well on your surgery and recovery..