Hi Beautiful & Welcome!!!
Though many on here have an ileo, several like me don't and many more have had a very successful surgery and a now out living their life. Sometimes they may stop by to chat but most don't. I try to stay on the Total Colectomy site though I've had a very tough year w/ work & some other health issues so I haven't been on much since Sept. I'm out of work this week due to emergency surgery for a blood clot so it's nice to catch up and encourage others:)
I had a subtotal in July of '08; all of my colon was removed and I'm reattached from the sb to the rectum. My surgery was open bc I had so many previous abdominal surgeries; I was in the hospital for 5 days, had an epidural for pain control (it was the BEST!!!!!) really helped speed healing!!! had 2 drains, catherer, & NG tube. Started out with about 20 bms a day (that's why you need the wipes; I use prep H wipes & A&D oint. when needed - all the time in the beginning), the time I went to work 6 weeks later I was having 8-10 bms a day and by 9 mos it was 2-3 a day. You dr will start you off on a low residue diet (no raw fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts), my gi has always kept me on this diet and I believe to this day that it has been the key to my surgery's success. I've had no blockages of problems from the surgery what so ever. I do eat fried foods and live on hot sauce so eventually these things I was able to tolerate just not the raw items, everytime I tried I would get severe D so it wasn't worth it.
I always use wipes bc it still feels much better than TP as area is always more sensitve now (Just wish I had stock in them lol).
Even though I did go back to work after 6 weeks, this surgery takes a loooooong time to heal from; it was almost a year before I felt good again although everyone including several drs told how healthy I now looked after the surgery! But I didn't have lap surgery either so I don't know if that would have helped the healing process.
I did encounter a major issue but it was a drs fault not this surgery per say; following a different surgery a dr put me on high doses of antibiotics & when I told of the diarrhea & abdominal pain I was having he said it was related to the surgery (kidney) he sent me home where I vomited & continued with severe D until I became extremely ill. He ordered a ct scan then had his asst call & say I needed emergency surgery bc my bowel was dead. We rushed to my regular gi dr 3 hrs away who did a scope & sent me to ER, I ended up with c diff (severe infection) & was hopitalized in isolation for a week & it took 3 mons to clear the infection. My gi & surgeon were VERY mad bc they said you DON'T give people w/out colons antibiotics without monitoring them & giving them probiotics & that I didn't have a colon anyway so what were they going to operate on???? It was a very scary situation & luckily I got a new urologist (my 7th-but the BEST this time:))where my other drs are.
I'm also having severe anemia issues & extremely low potassium issues but my body is not the norm EVER; the only time it did great was throughout this whole surgery!!
I will tell you it was the very best decision I-well my drs ever made for me and it has helped me to have a great life as far as bowel issues go. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from CI as you won't believe how wonderful you're going to feel!!
Hope this helps:)
The very best to you Beautiful!!!!!