the surgery of creating an end ileostomy (permanent) usually includes removal of the rectum, and if that's the case, there's no way back. they can also do an end ileostomy w/o removing the rectum and in that case there's still a way back, but the reversal will be harder than a reversal of a loop ileo. much harder. and i think it requires
open surgery.
but in your case, there would be no point in creating an end ileo with leaving the rectum in, since you already have a stoma. first of all, don't stress about
time limit, cuz there isn't really time limit of how long you can stay with a loop ostomy. some ppl have hard time deciding and stay with it for even a whole year. some ppl even more. i personally know one guy who had surgery. he has a loop ileo and has the option of closing it (have a reversal), but he doesn't want to do it now. he is very comfortable with his stoma and wants to finish his university degree first. and even after that, he's not sure he wants to have the reversal. he's had his loop stoma for more than a year now.
there's no time limit and you can stay with a loop ileo even all your life. i have a loop ileo since July 2010, which is more than a year. i'm happy with it and i don't want to ever close it. i can if i want to, but i don't. i can go at any time, even like ten years from now and ask the dr to close it, but i won't cuz i know there's no chance my rectum will ever work right.
the only thing you should take into consideration is that the longer your rectum/anus are not in use, the more they develope atrophy, so then ppl who stayed long periods of time with a loop ileo (talking about a year+), they need to do some biofeedback theraphy to wake up the rectum's and anus's muscles and make sure they are working right. but 1 or 2 mons more to help you decide won't make a significant difference.
good luck with your decision!
Post Edited (2b ColonFree) : 10/21/2011 4:01:21 AM (GMT-6)