Hi. Im new here....as of septermber 1st I had a partial colostomy in beth israel medical center in manhattan..i suffered from severe colonic inertia for several years with a rectal prolapse and a rectocele to the point where I had to drink a gallon of GoLytly to go to the bathroom once weekly....the aftermath of my surgery i have to say has not been positive....yes, I am going to the bathroom and that's positive, but I am in ALOT of pain! Everything i eat (yes- I mean- everything!) produces ALOT of painful gas, cramps and diarhea....to the point that I basically sit,eat and wait for the painful results!...I hate to be so graphic , but I have to massage my back so I can allow the nasty cramps to leave my body! its SOOOO painful!!!!!!
I've been back to the surgeon several times, had blood tests, CT scan, but nothing has shown up. The surgeon is at a standstill of what to recommend othen than putting me on some Lomotil to slow things down......How can this be good??? it will just keep the gas and cramps in?????.Its been less than 3 months and Ive shed nearly 30 pounds...not terrible as Ive gone into this heavy.....BUT not the point!!!!!.....the surgeon now says if this doesnt rectify itself soon, he will refer me to some motility specilialists in th city.
......I'm wondering if anyone out there has had a similiar post op experience???Any suggestions would be great!
quadmom (and yes, I do have a lovely set of 6 year old quads!)