We all do find our way. A friend of mine tonight said he would go absolutely mad if he had to deal with all of this and could not just eat and drink and poop normally. He said I don't know how you do it. I said you do what you have to do.
I am in a REAL Catch 22. I think I told of the mashed potato blockage I had in 2009 and had to walk miles and drink a TON of hot tea for it to pass. I was on a ship in the middle of the Indian ocean when this happened. I remember an astonomer was helping people star gaze up on deck. I just kept walking past and past and past them. He finally invited me to join and I thanked him and said I had to do 30 laps around the ship before I could go to sleep. Thankfully the potato all shot out all at once and I could go to sleep.
So I have been mainly eating scrambled eggs, baby food meat, and bready crackery type stuff and lots of sugary soft stuff. So now I have a yeast infection (vaginal thank god not under the wafer not want it there). So I cleared this with diflucan and it came right back. So today I thought I will get on an anti yeast diet which is basically all protein and veggies. Like I really can't do a lot of veggies. So I bought a bunch of baby food carrot and green beans. AND I bought a NICE piece of salmon and poached it. It was soooooo tender. I cut it up fine and chewed, and chewed, and chewed. So far so good. Then I took my anti yeast pill for round #2.
No sooner did I finish all that chewing but i got a nerve pain from my beginning trigeminal neuralgia i was dx'd with this summer. it is a rare disorder where a blood vessel is right up against a branch of the trigeminal nerve and after many years the blood vessel rubs the coating off the nerve and you get an electric pain. so far my attacks have not been too often or too frequent but some people get severe pain as time goes on. The only real effective treatment is insertion of a surgical felt between the nerve and the blood vessel. Most people's blood vessel is not near the trigeminal nerve branch but some of us were just born that way and at a certain age it becomes problematic.
So that is not only a catch 22 but a catch 24! Rosemary
PS I am getting together with a chef to see how to make some sort of salmon paste like substance. But it sure did feel good to eat real food tonight. I usually just have breakfast of yogurt and rice cereal then an egg sandwich late in the after noon and then more rice cereal at night. That's why not so much energy. Most of my protein I get from milk sources which you are supposed to ease back on during a yeast diet. I got some of that Keifer liquid yogurt and the plain has very little sugar.
Post Edited (esoR) : 1/26/2012 7:34:01 PM (GMT-7)