Ever since I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2003 I have always felt that our diets play a large role in our health. Not just by eating healthy in general but that a large portion of our health issues comes from the kitchen. Ever since my diagnosis I slowly edged my way to an all natural diet and last summer completely cut out sugar, which made a big difference by the way. I've always toyed with the idea of going vegetarian because I've never been comfortable with how we process meat from animals and basically look at them as mere objects. But doing so allows us to keep the curtains in front of our eyes closed which is what the food industry would like.
Well, last night i watched a documentary called
Earthlings that shows how we as humans treat animals and while I wasn't surprised because we sometimes see this in the news when PETA releases undercover video footage, but that footage is nothing compared to what you see in this documentary.
It is absolutely horrible how we treat animals and I decided that I would go vegan.
Will I save any animals? Probably not, but after watching such a powerful documentary, it's hard not to want to do something and going vegan is a small first step in the right direction.
I know this doesn't entirely have anything to do with Crohn's but I'm hopeful that going vegan and eating foods that we should be naturally eating as humans may make a difference for me and any other Crohn's patients who are vegans as well.
It's unfortunate but ignorance is the easiest, quickest and first line of defense for us.
"You do know where that ham came from and how it was processed right?"
The common response is "Oh don't tell me, you're going to ruin my dinner."
ok, i'm done ranting. ;)