Hhhmmmmmmm! thanks for input. So hard to sort out. Tomorrow I am going to fax a question to the GI doc and just say that upon reflection of the ileoscopy he proposed with digital stoma check and then going in 60 cm that I later figured that out to be going in two feet into my small bowel. As my recent food blockages have all been at the stomal level, I wondered what specific thing you would be looking for 2 feet up. (I thought 60 cm = 3 feet but it is only 2 feet, but still too much for me) Then I will see what he says.
I don't want to cut myself off from help as this doc seems to be the only one who is trying to help me unravel this situation. BUT on the other hand I don't want some risky procedure I don't need, especially seeing as my current ileo surgeon is angry about
my CT Scan requests that I needed done in order to get in to see the GI.
Anyway, if the GI has no specific answer as to what he would be looking for, then my thought is I will say I would just prefer a digital exam of the stoma by someone with very small finger as it was noted in my ileostomy report that I had "relatively small diameter small intestines." I plan to tell him that I am very interested in the education session he mentioned that he could arrange with the stoma nurse regarding the lavage training. He said normally they train ileostomates in this (that was news to me and sounds valuable to learn for emergency situations should one occur.)
I then plan to tell him that this weekend I went gluten free just for an experiment and did not have the abdominal distention. My side with the stoma still feels heavy and draggy but maybe that is just the way it is. I can ask if he found any peristomal hernia. He didn't say anything about
finding one during my general exam Friday.
I will also tell him between gluten free weekend and the fake sugar ostmotic that things moved along well and thanks for the ideas. I actually had quite a bit to eat: hard boiled egg, high fat cottage cheese, gluten free crackers, and a bowel of the tomato bisque soup and the stoma moved out all I took in and did so with a rather thick consistency of stool.
I just don't want to have some unneeded procedure done and get into trouble, yet by no means do I want to shut this GI off as he is brainstorming some good things for me. I will also tell him I ordered the Digestive Advantage probiotic that he suggested for gas build up. He said there was a LOT of gas on my CT scan.
As he had the current surgeons notes which on quick glance detailed all the CT requests I did and how it interrupted his work day yada yada, the GI did seemed to be a bit guarded and at one point said "let us be the doctors" when I asked if a gastric emtpying test was needed. I just said, "Of course, these were just questions I had." So for whatever reason, I am in the middle of some political issue but goal is to feel better, get only assessment that is absolutely needed then get on my trip. I NEED it big time.
So how does my plan sound. As I have no disease (No IBD or anything in my small bowel) I cannot imagine what he would look for 2 feet up from stoma other than maybe this is just what they do? I am learning to ask why then view things as a menu of options.
Post Edited (esoR) : 4/1/2012 11:33:34 AM (GMT-6)