With everything negative going on, I want to add a positive - I showered "naked" for the first time today and couldn't get over my new stoma. It protrudes a perfect 3/4 of an inch, and is the smallest little thing. I am so happy to not have male anatomy hanging from my abdomen any longer. I am so happy my new surgeon took on my case for an issue (PG) that didn't even have to concern him.
I didn't realize how my old stoma affected my body image. When the in-home nurse came and saw it for the first time she was appalled and very upset for me. She said she was concerned for my body image with the way it looked. It was the same thing when any healthcare professional, including other doctors looked at it. I tried not to dwell, and often didn't appreciate the questions and comments, but I realize now how bothered by it I was.
This is definitely a good thing, and it helps me not to dwell on the negative!!!