Hello i am a 22 year old girl I have been living with chronic constipation since birth and have tried everything and anything. I have gone through so many laxatives I can't count. My mother has tried countless diets on me with high fiber and everything. My whole life I have been in pain and every time I go to the bathroom sometimes its not for weeks. When I do finally go its huge and it hurts to come out and I have to try and get it out with something. In the past year I have gone to this new doctor who has helped me a lot. I have been through every test there is for your colon. Both my endoscopy and sigmodoscopy and colonoscopy came back normal but it said I had mega colon. I had the marker test and that came back with colonic inertia because after the 5 day period I still had all 24 markers inside me. I have had an anal mamatory done which came back normal and a defecograpghy which showed I had a little leak but nothing serious. Ever since I can remember I have been bloated like I look like I'm 3 months pregnant but I am not and sometimes my breath even smells bad. I have been cleaned out countless times with a N/G tube and it did nothing afterwards as it went back to the same thing over again.
As of now my doctor told me that the only way to fix anything is to have a colectomy done in 10 days. I am very scared, excited and nervous all at once as this could solve all my problems.
What I was wondering is if anyone has had this before or even these symptoms? Has anyone gone through a colectomy and what was it like and the diet after the surgery?
These answers would be greatly appracited
thank you