ddd45, I had my surgery in Feb 2011, so I thought my body had adjusted -- that's why the blockages have been kind of a shock (and I'm not on any meds at all). The most recent one was worse than you're describing, and the one a few days earlier was much worse than that -- including hours of intense nausea, some vomiting (after the stoma started working again), and lots of dry heaves. I think I probably made a mistake not going to the ER for that one, just was reluctant since I was out of town, and the navigation was confusing etc. ... but it would have been better to wait that out w/some IV fluids and anti nausea meds.
What is different about
the rehydration solutions you mention and vitalyte? I was drinking vitalyte all day long and was attuned to hydration issues (although the symptoms from the high altitude are like dehydration symptoms, so it's hard to sort out -- although the first two blockages were not in high altitude).
I don't think I'm overthinking (ha, maybe you're right that I am if I'm sitting here thinking about
whether I'm overthinking
). I had 16 months with no blockages at all, and then 3 the past month. So, it's also possible that something is wrong, and it makes sense to get it checked out. Until then, I'll cook my vegetables more, especially if there's a reason hydration could be an issue that day.
Sarah, sorry you're having so much trouble, keep us posted on what your doctor says. I did food symptom diaries for years when I was sick, and really associate them w/being so sick.... so if I keep having problems will go there, but I'm reluctant. I think the veggie issue is pretty clear to me, though. I had respectively cauliflower, Chinese greens, and broccoli before the three blockages. Maybe only in soups, at least for a while, (I did have them many other times w/no issue, though)