I would have thought it would be ok for you to race again. Once you have given yourself time to heal properly. Wearing a stoma guard would be a good idea though. Not sure if this link will work but I will give it ago anyway. http://www.ostomart.co.uk/ostoshield.htm
I have found that in general having an ostomy has changed my life for the better. Now, I no longer have to worry that I wont make it to the bathroom ontime(I had Ulcerative Colitis before my surgery) As long as I make sure to empty the bag before I go out,then in general I don't have to worry for between 3-5 hours before I will need to empty the bag again. This is different for everyone of course and it depends what you have eaten too. you will get your own routine.My ostomy seems to be most active first thing in the morning until after breakfast and then its much quieter for a while. The worst thing about
it in my opinion is having to wake up in the early hours to go to the bathroom. It's strange because although I cant feel anything physicaly I "just know" that I need to empty.
Diet for me is very much the same as it was before. I just have to remember to make sure that I chew everything properly because there is more of a risk of a blockage,especialy with an Ileostomy. You would need to start of with softer foods and then graduely add things to make sure that you are alright with them.
I have heard of people burping the bag but I don't find that I have much of a problem with gas so I don't need to myself. The bag that I use also has a filter in it so maybe thats why I don't have a problem.
I hope that everything works out for you Mike.
Ps, oops, looks like the link doesnt work You will have to type Ostomart into google and go on an ostomy shield hunt. Sorry