Posted 12/11/2012 4:38 PM (GMT 0)
Yep it was a turn off. So was my sbo hospitalization at brighams (where ironically a resdient had misread my original defecogram scan sayimg I had a sigmoidocele when I did not (unkniwn to me at the time) turned out her teacher did not cross check and co-sign as is legal protocol, thus 3 CR surgeons opined based on wrong read scan, including a CR surgeon at brighams, then down the road we went with the unneeded sigmoid resection, all that that caused, then into stoma land, then stoma revision land. So boston not give me the good care and accuracy of diagnosis that most get. Yep I think no lawsuits is thir motivation behind the whole thimg that we were talking about. You were right. Stoma was cold last night to the touch when I changed bag. That means lasck of blood flow coulde explain the issue. I got info on sprashield from a friend so I think I need Jens pagels in germany with spray shield and whoever he comes up with for stoma revision. Had correspoinded with him prior to coming to az and he was very real and very nice but did say he is only a gyn but could get a general surgeon to redo my stoma then they would use sprayshiled on the lysed adhesions. But at that time I was thinking colorectal "expert" here in the US. But adhesions win out. I think those are what preveted a tension free stoma as the bowel is reachoring in scaf tissue. Hence the crooked shape, the tension on one side, and the stricture. They all go together. RJ