I came across this website while looking for information on Ostomies. I am overwelmed by all those suffering from the same things that I am. I have never heard of 6MP. Can someone tell me what it is. I am seeing a doctor for Bowen's disease. I also have UC, SLE, Good Pasture's Syndrome and Kidney Failure. I am almost 51 years old and have been sick since I was 24. My GI found some pre-cancerous polyps (dysplaysia) in my colon in March. Dr. Swallow who is treating me for Bowen's disease is strongly advising me to have an ostomy. She says my colon, rectum and anus will have to be removed and I will need to have an external sac to remove body waste. I have read some topics on this site about
BCIR surgery which I have never heard of. I will ask my doctor about
it. I would be very interested to hear back from anyone with any information or advice.