Following my meeting with my surgical consultant on 05/08/2013 to discuss the possibility of having a J-pouch, he has stated that due to all of last years complications and the fear that my insides may not have healed as well as a healthier persons may have done, he wants to refer me to who he described as the uk's no.1 colorectal surgeon and one of the very best in the world, his name is Professor Mortensen in Oxford.
Has anyone from the UK had any experiences with this Professor and can tell me about him? Obviously anyone who isn't from the UK who may have had experiences with him, please feel free to comment.
I'm now in mixed emotions about how I feel about this as obviously if he agrees to the procedure, I will be in some of the best pair of hands possible, BUT I always said I wouldn't let anyone other than my consultant operate on me after everything that happened before he stepped in.
He has said that I'm a 2 man job and he would be happy to do the procedure with this Professor but I don't know how easy that would be to organise.
Does anyone have any advise please.