Posted 12/12/2013 9:01 PM (GMT 0)
I originally posted this thread in the IBS section of this forum but haven't received any comments yet. I suppose in hindsight I should have posted here first, so hope I don't get into trouble :S My original post is as follows:
Hey there - I am uncertain whether I have posted in the right section, but in for a penny! Apologies in advance for this long post. Skip to the end if you like - I have a question :)
I was originally diagnosed with IBS twenty-one years ago after suffering with constipation (only) for a good ten years prior. It never went away despite adapting my diet, lifestyle etc. All the things that you are meant to do. I have been to A & E a few times due to being 'backed up' (once for over three week) whereby they just gave me an enema. The times I visited the doctor is more than I can remember and I couldn't help but think that they were labelling me as a hypochondriac. The only things they gave me was laxatives and advice to eat more fibre. So, basically I suffered. A lot.
It wasn't until this year that I had surgery for what was then a suspected gallbladder infection. Long story short, what should have been relatively routine turned out to be a major turning point in my life. They found a few worrying things and managed to resolve some of them however, it was noted that I had a very long descending colon and extensive adhesions despite never having surgery.
So, after a colonoscopy and transit studies tests (amongst others), I have been diagnosed with megacolon, megarectum, slow transit and a rectal prolapse :( My consultant has said that as my colon and rectum are very large (one of the largest he has seen) it has to go. Hopefully, he may be able to save the rectum. I am having biofeedback and he has prescribed Resolor to see how it goes. I also have coloplast enemas to do (which doesn't shift it).
I have three options (which will be decided in March 2014). The first is to remove the colon and attach it to my rectum (pending on how the above goes). The second is an illeostomy with j-pouch (??). The third is complete removal of the colon and rectum and have a stoma.
To be frank, when I was advised what is wrong with me I felt three different emotions. Firstly, I was (and still am) angry that I had been dismissed/ignored by doctors (my consultant is the only one I will trust now as he did actually save my life). I then felt relief. Relief that I am going to be okay and relief that I am now believed. And finally, anxiety - which I suppose is understandable.
I hope that some of you can relate to this post. Much is misunderstood about IBS and the medical profession seem to 'pigeon hole' people.
Which leads me to my question - do any of you fine members have to take Resolor? How are you getting along with it? I have only been taking it for four days and feel like hell (not really doing anything, sickness, dizziness, hot flushes and palpitations).
Also, did you end up getting a different diagnosis from your original IBS? I would be really interested to hear :)
Many thanks for reading :)
Footnote: I am day seven of the Resolor/prucalopride now and am not feeling very well at all. I did manage to 'go', but the side-effects are worsening. I will give my consultant a call in the morning to seek further advice. :(