Good Morning,
Well Last night I had a horrible diarrhea evening from 5pm until I went to bed (collapsed!!) I ended up taking an immodium AND a 1/2 of a bentyl to slow things down. I got bleeding hemmroids in the process.
The only thing I can think of that I ate yesterday that was suspect was two little strawberries. Wow. Just two. Other than that I ate all the things I normally do which are "safe" and considered not to exacerbate diarrhea. sigh. Today I'm going to use Metamucil. Just because it is more bulk forming. I realize I probably will be empty with little action but I want to try to get that formed stool...
As I was walking yesterday (and ignoring painful "signals") I was thinking how much my life has changed. Baseball season is upon us. I have three boys. Two in baseball with busy schedules. How am I going to keep up? I want to see them play. I don't want to spend hours in an outhouse!
Last year it was the fact that I was ill from chemo and radiation. The year before I was so dang tired. It's just been so challenging and each year gets more challenging. This year I have to worry about
my dang bowels. Waaa! I want off this train.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
besides restful waters he leads me;
he refreshes my soul.
Thanks for listening...
BBT (Kay)