Hello, everyone!
My surgery was done May 27 and Gingy, yes, there are
things you have to deal with afterwards. BUT, I'm still glad that I had it done . I suffered for years with constipation and thought I was 'normal' when I only went once every 2 weeks or so. My husband thought I was so very abnormal because he goes daily. After yrs of taking every laxative known to mankind, about 6 months ago, in
desparation I took an entire bottle of Miralax, poured it in a bottle of Gatorade, drank it all, and produced nothing .
I had already gone to a specialist several times who kept telling me to drink 1/2 cup Milk of Mag 2x week. Yuck!
I kept getting more bloated, more bloated (looked like I was 4 months pregnant) and my oldest daughter was really getting concerned. I finally changed gastroenterologist, which was the best thing I could ever have done. He ran lots of (humiliating) tests on me and found out the large colon didn't work at all. He sent me to the Ferguson Clinic (in Grand Rapids, Mi). 3 of their doctors do this surgery and 2 will not (don't know why). It's been almost 3 months now, but still glad I had it taken out. Yes, you have to deal with some nasty things and I still get tired a lot, but I am no longer bloated and two sizes smaller in pants). I have had no problems with food except for potato chips which, if I eat a few will bother me for a day, so I've cut them out.
I have no problems with salads, which I'm glad of because I like to eat one every day. My surgeon told me to eat peanut butter sandwiches so I do that when I feel like it. I try to eat a lot of protein, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, etc and have no problems. I had lost 25 lbs but now have gained 14 back which I needed to do. My BM's are still very watery and I go anywhere from 6-10 times a day, but I don't need to be next to a bathroom. I can hold it, if need be. I have no problem going that many times because I'm GOING. I think every person who has it done goes through some problems, just to different degrees and different ways. Gingy, you will get it done when you get desparate enough to do it and I had gotten to that point.
Sorry this note is long, but I think this forum is great and it helps so much to read everybody else's views, thoughts, etc. Let's keep this thing going so that we can keep tabs on how everyone is doing as the months go by. By the way, I'm due to go back to work this Friday. It is strenuous work, and I'm a little anxious but need to get back to work. Thanks, everybody for all the imput.