Hi Emma,
My doctor restricted me lifting anything over 5 pounds for 6 weeks; he was quite clear on that.
Cathy, I'm so jealous! I wanted to go to medical school all my life! I, too, took all the MCAT prerequisites (5 Chem classes, 5 bio, 2 physics, and even taught calc 2 for a while). When I got my BA, I unfortunately also got a divorce. My ex had paid for my schooling as I went (I never worked); so after the divorce when I found out how much medical school would cost, I freaked and decided to major in finding another husband instead, which I did. Also, I was 30 years old when I got my BA and at that time, 30 was considered too old to start medical school; something about not enough time to give back to the profession. UCLA actually stated as much in their application! I should have sued and gone to school for free. Anyway, this hubby wanted to retire early and travel the world. We dated for a little over 3 years before we got married. During that time and for the first 2 years of our married life, he was kind enough to put me through school as long as it was a program that coincided with his anticipated retirement date. So a traveling psychologist I now am, but my heart is in medicine. With on-line universities on the rise, I recently thought of become a PA, but it has been so long since my science courses, I was required to repeat them. The road just looked too long to me. Since I love learning, I recently decided to get an MBA (on-line) through NYIT with a concentration in international studies. Through our travels, I've learned that I'd love to find an occupation/business that would have me living half the year in the states and another in Egypt or the Middle East, since I love it there and speak the language. I've also found myself in a position where investment opportunities are constently being offered, and thought an MBA would help me make wise and informed decisions. Lastly, after my MBA, I'm thinking of law school (again on-line) because my husband went to law school himself years ago, but only practices law for 3 years (he hated it). Anyway, I've seen how it has helped him in his other business ventures and hope it will do the same for me.
Emma, to answer your question, my courses are only 6 weeks long, by choice (they also offer them in 9 week blocks), and are offered every 3 weeks; such a schedule doesn't interfere much with our travels. I have 12 more to go to get my MBA. I'm starting my next class Sept. 12.
I danced at the wedding today guys! Now I need to go to bed for a week! My husband is still at the wedding having a blast.