Hi mary anne am new to this site and i live in the uk. I get my stoma flanges pre-cut at the place where i receive all my stoma bags and other items which i need to take care of my stoma. My stoma is a oval shape. I found it difficult too to get the right shape, so in stepped my stoma nurse david, he is just great at his job and puts people at ease.He cut the right shape and posted my template to the factory which supplys the stoma bags and when i need my next supply its all done for me and comes within a week.
I have colitis and decided enough was enough of all the meds they want you to try !!!!. which are all just quick fixes.So i chose to remove my colon and get an ileostomy intending to get it reversed in the near future. But after a terrible 16 day stay in a hospital due to an infection and then my rectum which was still intacked flared up with colitis !!!.So i was back to square 1 after going through major surgery to still have the dreaded colitis.So now 10 wks down the line and still battling with colitis i am waiting for emergency surgery on the 20th of this mth. to have the rectum removed and my butt sewn up !!!
.Not a very nice surgery but its the only thing to get rid of this dreaded disease, and i have chosen to not go through with the reversal as too many other complications and issues. So i am happy to keep my stoma and be done with it all.I hope your husband gets the help he needs in sorting this issue out, and i wish him all the best in the near future.regards lynne.