I'm 6 weeks post op today.
And my butt wound is basically completely healed.
How is this even possible?!
I do drink nutrition shakes and even added protein powder to my coffee.
I used gauze between the cheeks every day for almost 5 weeks.
I rarely sat on my butt. Napped when needed. I watched my lifting.
BUT I also walked up/down stairs within the first week. I smoke. After three weeks if I did sit on my butt I always crossed my legs. I had to take a course of Augmentin 800mg 2x a day for this weird poofy weepy spot that couldnt be identified as an abscess or infection...
So yeah - I have no idea HOW - but its true! I'm almost completely healed!
(ps. I NEVER had this much butt hair before barbie butt... what is up with that?! It's like a forest growing in down there!!!)
Now if only I had energy to do anything.... wouldn't that be swell!